Pre-Nova 2.0 Seed Enhancement

Syngenta Flowers offers the broadest and deepest pansy and Viola pool in the industry. Inside our product range, we provide the best genetics for any use, program, or season. With more than 160 years of combined experience – reaching back to Sluis and Groot and Goldsmith

Seed pansy breeding – we are at the forefront of introducing the best-in-class varieties that growers can trust.

Get even quick turns and faster germination when you combine Syngenta pansy and Viola genetics with PreNova® 2.0 , our best seed enhancement to date, providing growers with superior germination and uniformity for spring and fall production - even in cooler- or warmer-than optimal temperatures.

Free up valuable germination chambers in the spring by going directly to the bench after sowing or even eliminate a day in the chamber for quicker chamber turns in the fall. PreNova®

2.0’s impressive speed of germination allows for a head start on developing strong root and shoots systems.