Cora XDR Page Banner

The Vinca that Fights Back.

  • Reduced Risk: offers season-long flowering and survival in landscape plantings. Highly resistant to ten of the most virulent isolates of Phytophthora nicotianae that cause Phytophthora blight on annual vinca.*
  • Easier to grow: improved branching, uniformity, and floriferousness ideal for premium packs and small to larger pots.
  • Higher consumer appeal: large showy flowers in the widest range of solid and high demand bicolor patterns of any disease resistant vinca on the market.

* Confirmed in collaboration with Clemson University; these isolates were found at growers and in landscapes across the southern U.S.

Cora® XDR against Non-Resistant Competitor Varieties
Garden setting with NO fungicides applied to any varieties.

Cora XDR comparison

Performance assessments are based upon results or analysis of public information, field observations and/or internal Syngenta evaluations.

Huntersville, North Carolina, July 2018.

See How Cora® XDR Performed Across the Country

Click on the images to see the full view of this highly disease resistance Vinca series.

Cora Cascade XDR

There's None Other Like It.

  • The only trailing vinca powered by high levels of resistance to multiple strains of aerial Phytophthora.
  • The mounded, spreading habit is ideal for summer baskets, mixed containers, and large landscape beds.
  • F1 hybrid uniformity and vigor build a premium package not found in other trailing vinca.
  • Large, high-quality flowers completely cover plants creating blankets of color lasting all season long.

New Colors Added to Cora® Cascade XDR

See How Cora® Cascade XDR Performed Across the Country

Click on the images to see the full view of this gallery.

XDR (eXtreme Disease Resistance)

What Does It Mean?

  • Best in class genetic performance under disease pressure.
  • Rigorous, controlled testing for disease resistance in laboratory and field settings.
  • Independent verification of testing and results by established authorities in the field.

Nirvana® XDR

  • Built for summer heat and resilient garden performance.
  • The only vegetative Vinca with proven XDR level resistance to multiple strains of aerial Phytophthora. 
  • A true heat lover, Nirvana XDR keeps blooming through the intense heat of summer. 
  • Medium vigor and mounded habits paired with unique and novel flower colors are perfect for premium pots and mixed combinations.