Meet Amanda Hershberger, GPN's 40 Under 40 Class of 2020

Amanda Hershberger - GPN's 40 under 40 Class of 2020

Every year in May, Greenhouse Product News (GPN) recognizes 40 industry professionals under the age of 40, whose passion and accomplishments drive the future of the horticulture industry. 

For 2020, GPN selected Amanda Hershberger, Productivity Improvement Lead as this year's bright young star whose achievements will be leading our industry into the future. 

Notable accomplishments: 

  • Worked on Cora® XDR phytophthora-resistant vinca series breeding project beginning in 2012. "Through collaboration with the pathology and marketing teams, we were able to effectively bring this high-value series to market. This was truly a labor of love!"
  • Developed a robust insect pollination program at the Gilroy, CA. Over the years, it has expanded to include a wide array of flower crops using controlled pollination provided by honeybees, bumblebees and flies. 

​​We look forward to your next great innovation, Amanda!