2021 California Summer Trials


In-Person Event

This year, CAST stands for California SUMMER Trials! Syngenta Flowers will be BLOOMING BRIGHTLY, as we showcase more than 100 new varieties, including 5 new series of vegetative and seed annuals and perennials at our breathtaking North American headquarters in Gilroy, California.  Showing new and core genetics from begonia to vinca, prepare to view artful in-ground landscape displays, unique merchandising ideas, and industry-leading technical information. Please also register with us to discover world-class perennials at the ThinkPlants displays on our site. We hope you’ll join us in Bringing Plant Potential to Life.

*Note that pre-registration is required and this event is subject to change due to Santa Clara County public health orders for COVID regulations. 

Register for in person CAST 2021

webCAST Digital Event

Register for webCAST to learn more about how we are Blooming Brightly! Join us at webCAST daily from June 23–27 for live events with our experts, new variety highlights, top genetics and program advice, and pertinent technical topics and trial results. You’ll see something new from our team every day as we “Bring Plant Potential to Life." Register today to be the first to sign-up for our lineup of livestream presentations from our experts

Visit webCAST